Streets of LA

Ines Beatrice. “Last Chance to Escape.” September 2017.

Coming down from Elysian Park and Angel’s Point took us over the Elysian Park Overpass just above the 110. As I got into position to take the first photo a truck with city workers drove by and they told me “you need a permit to take photos here.” I found that odd, but since I was told off by a security guard for taking photos of the skyscrapers on Grand Avenue when I was still little I thought for a second they might be serious. “Really?” I asked. “No, we’re just kidding,” they said and they drove off after wishing me a nice day. It was a silly little interaction I grant you, but still, it’s something to share.

Driving the winding roads down the hill took us past some colorful street signs– I have no idea what it all means, if anything; I hope it’s nothing sinister. I especially like the revised speed limitβ€” imagine going so fast your car turns into a purple blob.

Once our day in LA was finished we went and picked up a coffee and pastry at Blue Bottle in the Arts District. It’s a charming coffee shop in an area that’s often used for filming. Plus there’s usually something fun with graffiti going on there too, as you can see from the colorful Willow Studios wall of hearts, so you can definitely use it for some cool photo shoots. Be warned, you’ll probably have to circle around a bit for parking though πŸ˜‰

Let me know if you’ve ever used the Arts District for photo shoots and feel free to share your work πŸ˜€


Ines ❀



Elysian Park


The day started early, around 4am, so we could get to our first destination in LA by sunrise. As you can see, traffic got in the way of that a little bit, but with the camera ever at the ready even this small setback could be turned into a triumph.

I love the way the moon still hovered over the city as the sun started bathing LA in her golden rays.

Our first photo location was Elysian Park. It’s amazing how just a short drive takes you out of the hustle and bustle to this very peaceful and serene place; it’s a world of its own, and on a clear day I bet the view is breathtaking.

Using the camera my friends got me for my birthday a while back I was able to see Dodger Stadium quite clearly– I’ve never actually been there, but I got pretty close with the zoom, right? πŸ˜‰

Ines ❀

I don’t often title my photographs, but if I did I would call this one “Early Morning Shift.”


Colorful Sydney: Stroll Through the Gardens


The Royal Botanic Garden is one of my favorite places in Sydney.

It’s amazing how many people go running there in the morning or spend their lunch hour there throughout the day.

I imagine that if I lived in Sydney I’d spend countless hours in the garden, enjoying the green and colorful oasis right in the heart of that busy and beautiful city. It’d be perfect– I’d be super fit from running, could have picnics there to soak up inspiration and sun, and relax in the fresh air. πŸ˜€


Wishes From Me To You

I have been revisingΒ this poem for the last few days, but I think it’s finally finished now; this is the third version of what was quite a bit longer the first time around.

I can’t remember who said it originallyβ€” maybe it was Hemingway?β€” but the teacher I had forΒ my creative writing classes at university told us weΒ should keep writing even if weΒ thoughtΒ a piece wasΒ finished. I did that for my initial draft: I got my ideas out so I had all the “raw materials” to work with.Β What started out as a very freeform 38-line poem is now a muchΒ stronger 20-line piece.

Editing is a hard process for me; it takes me a lot of time and effort and most of the time I cut things out only to put them backΒ shortly after because I figure “I put it there for a reason, why take it out now?”

EachΒ time I approached this poemΒ I managed to chisel a little more away, always tightening the structure,Β andΒ distilling the wordsΒ until I had only theΒ essentials. Some linesΒ or imagesΒ I quite liked didn’t end up in the final version, but that just means I can use them in a different piece.

Typically most of what I write is heavy, sad, or dark. As such, I’m happy to say that this piece deviates from that mood a bit, and moreover that it might be my new favorite πŸ™‚

Enjoy! ❀


Wishes From Me to You

Forget diamonds and pearls
Instead bring me a daisy chain
A thing so delicate
Made with your own two hands

Forget a dozen long stemmed roses
Instead bring me a single flower
You found on your way home
To show me that you thought of me

Forget talk of money and wealth
Instead tell me all your dreams
Share with me your mind and soul
And I’ll share mine with you

Forget a mansion or estate
Instead let us build a simple home
One that grows and shrinks with us
Breathing like we do

Forget a legacy to leave behind
Instead let us build our life
A stream of moments
Bound together by our love


Colorful Sydney


It’s only fair, given my black and white series of Sydney, that I follow that up with a series celebrating the many colors the city has to offer. In case you’ve not noticed yet, I quite like Sydney and I wish I could spend more time there. πŸ™‚

These images are the first in a set; basically I didn’t want to post too many photos at once, because if a photo is worth 1,000 words this sequence would be novel-length once it’s done… okay maybe a novella, but who’s counting?

Anyways, here are the sights– in full vibrant color– that caught my eye on my most recent trip.

Enjoy a little digital vacation; go slowly, smell the flowers (beware the spider), and take a lovely stroll along the Harbour.



Classic Sydney in Black&White


The typical sights in Sydney– the Opera House, and the Harbour Bridge– have been photographed to death and since it’s been my aim to always try to show new or different things here I considered skipping them entirely this time around. Still, somehow it didn’t feel right to leave them out, precisely because they are so iconic, so I filtered through all the photos I took and chose these few to share.

Because these sites have significant histories, I thought it would be cool to post them in black and white, sort of as an homage to classic film photography of the past. In a way it almost mimics an archive or museum exhibition of the Circular Quay area, the gaze panning from left to right (assuming the viewer is standing at the wharves).

Hopefully my shots still have a touch of novelty, even if the subjects are familiar. πŸ™‚



California Winter


Palm trees and snow, both within reach; that’s the beauty of California.

It amazes me every time what a big difference a bit of rain can make, how much it refreshes everything and how quickly the dry, brown earth turns green.

One of my best friends and I went on a two hour hike the other day and were able to walk alongside a rushing stream that flowed down through the canyon. The sound of the water was the only noise that accompanied our footsteps. Usually our feet would stay dry on this path but this time, with our criss-crossing the stream using stones we hoped were stable enough to hold our weight, we ended up with wet shoes and socks.

It was so worth it.


The Hotel Cafe


My friend and I saw Eliza Rickman at the Hotel Cafe this past week. It is my second time seeing her there (both times thanks to my friend taking me– he has seen her more often πŸ™‚ ).

I’ve mentioned her and her music before; for anyone that hasn’t heard her songs and her beautiful voice, I’d highly recommend looking her up!

The venue is awesome too– very small, very intimate; it’s definitely worth a visit.

Foggy Morning


The fog this morning was the heaviest I’ve seen in this area in a long time and the temperature hovered just around 4 degrees Celsius.

I love the eerie mood of these shots and the monochromatic look despite the fact that these are color photos; you probably wouldn’t have guessed it if it wasn’t for the traffic lights πŸ˜‰


Matter of Perspective

Which seems more natural to you? Are you someone that focuses on the minute details and things in your immediate reach or do you prefer to dream, to look at the big picture and see how all things work together?

Each paradigm yields different information– sometimes the details are the important bits and sometimes they’re a distraction that keeps you from seeing what is really going on. Sometimes seeing too much at a time leads to paralysis since there’s no clear beginning and no clear end.

Balance is key. Life is made up of so many different situations that call upon so many different skill sets. Each situation is unique. Each person is unique. Each opportunity is unique.

The choice is yours– when will you focus in and when will you pull away?